Artist Katlyn Koester.
Katlyn Koester is a fiber artist, ceramicist, intuitive artist and cat mama living in northern Wisconsin. She graduated from Viterbo University in 2010 with a BFA in Studio Art. Her art journey began at age twelve with the first piece of pottery she threw. Pottery was her main focus for nearly 18 years; she attended art shows and won 6 ribbons between 2012 and 2019.
In 2018, a Stage 2 breast cancer diagnosis and treatment led to a shift in mediums. After surgery, pottery was not an option physically and Koester leaned heavily on painting as her own personal therapy. Once the chemo was finished and Koester could get back into the pottery studio, she spent the next several weeks creating a sculpture of the inner visions that had gotten her through many days of exhaustion and depression when any physical activity seemed out of her reach. That sculpture became her own personal sanctuary.
Since then, Koester’s interest in creating has shifted to fiber art, including crochet, assembly and spinning recycled yarn using the scraps she collects from her creations.