Intuitive Artist
I create intuitive art by connecting with energy, spirit guides, angels, and my own intuition. My paintings are done in watercolor and acrylic. I create art out of love for myself, you, and the world! Because who couldn’t use a little more love?
Multimedia Artist
I work in many different mediums. Fiber: spinning, crochet, sewing/quilting, weaving; painting: watercolor, acrylic, watercolor pencil, assemblage and collage; pottery; jewelry; as well as trying many others.

Frog in Peony; work in progress; Wet and needle felted wool. - Katlyn Koester

Doorway to the Fae; 2024; 51 x 26 x 2 inches; Handspun yarn: wool, bamboo, silk, cotton, recycled yarn scraps, metallic strands, Needle felted wool, cotton, beads. - Katlyn Koester

Morel Sprite; 2023; 4.25 x 1.5 x 1.5 inches; Needle felted Merino and Corriedale wool.

Soul Essence Watercolor Painting by Katlyn Koester - Madeline

Big Eared Art Doll - Katlyn Koester

Soul Essence Watercolor Painting by Katlyn Koester - Breia

Rainbow of Love-is-Love Bugs; 2024; Acrylic, cotton and polyester. - Katlyn Koester

Fairy Moss; 2023; 15.5 x 12.5 x 3 inches; Handspun wool yarn, dyed locks, wool roving, cotton. - Katlyn Koester

Fae Bird Monster; 2023; 6 x 5 x 4 inches; Knitted and crocheted handspun yarn: wool, bamboo, silk, cotton, recycled yarn scraps, Needle felted wool, recycled cotton stuffing. - Katlyn Koester

Skeins of handspun wool and mixed fiber yarn - Katlyn Koester

Soul Essence Watercolor Painting by Katlyn Koester - Callie

Katlyn Koester - Wool art batt, labradorite inspired colors, blue, green and yellow

Katlyn Koester - fresh leaf indigo dyed wool for spinning, 6 types of fiber in varying shades of soft blue

Gus; 2023; 14 x 15 x 19 inches; Acrylic, cotton and polyester. - Katlyn Koester

Lapis Geode; 2024; 3 x 3 x 2.75 inches; Wet felted wool, glass beads. - Katlyn Koester

Renewal; 2024; 23 x 8 x 5 inches; Violin, wool and assorted fibers, beads, wire. - Katlyn Koester